Best Presenters and papers
Congratulations to all winners of the Best Paper, Presenters and reviewers Awards!
Best Paper:
1. Prof. Dr. Candra Fajri Ananda, SE., M.Sc.
2. Deni Anggreani Sutomo,Amd.An.,S.E.,M.M
3. Silvi Asna Prestianawati
Best Presenter:
1. David Kaluge, SE., MS., M.Ec.Dev., Ph.D
2. Muhammad Dandy Alif Wildana M.Sc.IBF
3. Johan Fahri, Ph.D.
Best Reviewer Offline:
1. Dr. Prince Charles Heston Runtunuwu, M.Si
2. Prof. Dr. Ginta Ginting MBA
3. Nugroho Suryo Bintoro, S.E., M.Ec.Dev., Ph.D
Best Reviewer Online:
1. Moh. Athoillah, SE., ME.
2. Listian Indriyani Achmad, S.Sos., MM., C.PMP., C.HRA.
3. Ayu Sasni Munte
BEFIC is celebrating winners of what has become a regional certificate of excellence: The Best Paper Award. We are most pleased to announce the winners. Congratulations on your outstanding performance! All the winners will get 30% off for joining our next conference:
*(HYBRID) FEB-UB International Conference (FEBIC) *
October 14-15,2022
Please submit your paper to :
Accepted article will be processed and PUBLISHED in International Proceeding and affiliated journals indexed by SCOPUS and some international journals (selected paper) after reviewing process.
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