Host Profile
The BEFIC (Brawijaya Economics & Finance International Conference (BEFIC) is held by Economics Department of Brawijaya University. Below is the history of the Economics department. The Economic department has long history of establishment. In January 1963, educational activities were firstly conducted in Economics Department, Economic Faculty, Universitas Brawijaya based on Decree of Establishment No. 1 Year 1963 on 15 January 1963 (Surat Keputusan Pendirian Nomor 1 tahun 1963 tanggal 15 Januari 1963) signed by the Minister of College and Science of the Republic of Indonesia (Menteri Perguruan Tinggi dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Republik Indonesia). In the first educational activities of the department, the name of the department was not Economics Department (Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi), but Public Department (Jurusan Umum). Then Public Department was changed its name into Economics and Development Study Department, and it had finally a new name of Economics Department with Economics Study Program, Economic Faculty, Universitas Brawijaya based on Decree of Directorate of High Education Number: 163/DIKTI/Kep/2007 (Surat Keputusan Dirjen Dikti Nomor: 163/DIKTI/Kep/2007) on 29 November 2007. Economics Department added two study programs namely Islamic Economics Study Program and Finance Banking Study Program in academic year of 2011/ 2012. All in all, there are three studies programs in Economics Department.